
2015 Global Sustainability Report

  • Tempo de Publicação :2015.01.01

his report provides information on our sustainability performance from 2013 through 2014, with updates on our progress in areas that were covered in detail in our inaugural Sustainability Report.

While Yingli implements a consistent approach to our workforce and environmental management throughout our global operations, the data reported here refers to our achievements and performance at our headquarters in Baoding, unless otherwise noted. Yingli notes that as this is the organization’s second Sustainability Report, focusing data inclusion on Baoding allows for more user-friendly comparability in achievements and performance.

Our reporting process follows the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 guidelines. This report contains Standard Disclosures from the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines.

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+86 312 8922 208 (International)
Address: No. 2599, Xiangyang North Street, High Tech Zone, Baoding City, Hebei
Email: guoneixiaoshou@yingli.com(China)            commerce@yingli.com(International)
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